Now offering Health Coaching. Call the office to schedule or book online.
P: 716-276-8866 F:716-633-0600
Now offering Health Coaching. Call the office to schedule or book online.
P: 716-276-8866 F:716-633-0600
Organic Facial Rejuvenation
Facial Acupuncture Rejuvenation is a natural and timeless beauty technique. Beauty is a healthy body, mind, heart, and spirit. Organic Facial Rejuvenation is a non-surgical method that reduces the signs of aging. The primary focus of the treatment is the face, but the whole body benefits. You will feel rejuvenated and revitalized after a facial rejuvenation treatment.
What are the Benefits of an AcuFacial?
Organic Facial Rejuvenation can:
Erase years off the face by eliminating fine lines, softening deeper ones;
Reduce eye puffiness and bags;
Tighten the jowls;
Lift droopy eyelids;
Increase circulation to the face;
Stimulate collagen production to improve muscle tone;
Tighten pores; and
Reduce acne and other skin imbalances.
The overall effect is glowing skin, bright eyes and inner beauty radiating outwards.
According to Chinese Medicine
According to Chinese Medicine, Qi circulates throughout your body in a series of pathways called meridians. Qi provides nourishment, support, and energy to every cell, tissue, muscle, and organ in the body. As we age, poor diet, digestion and circulation issues, along with emotional and environmental factors challenge Qi to flow upwards to “lift” the face. It often affects our muscle tone, and over time, wrinkles and sagging skin result.
We are here to help you feel beautiful. Contact Andrea Schilling at Acupuncture Works in Williamsville at (716) 276-8866 today