Now offering Health Coaching. Call the office to schedule or book online.
P: 716-276-8866 F:716-633-0600
Now offering Health Coaching. Call the office to schedule or book online.
P: 716-276-8866 F:716-633-0600
Cupping is one of the oldest methods of traditional Chinese medicine. Cupping is a very effective method of treatment used for diseases such as coughing, chest congestion, common cold, arthritic pain, muscular pain, stomach-ache, and headache.
How Does Cupping Work?
A vacuum is created in a glass or bamboo “cup” with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. The cotton ball is ignited and inserted into the cup which will evacuate some air creating a vacuum. The cotton ball is withdrawn and the cup is quickly placed on the skin. The cup remains in place for 5-15 minutes and may leave a bruise. Sometimes massage oil is applied to the mouth of the cup or the patient’s skin, then the practitioner slides the cup along a large body surface such as the back or thigh until skin redness is noted. This technique is known as moving cupping or sliding cupping.
Is Cupping Painful?
Cupping is generally not painful. Most patients report significant improvement after a cupping treatment.
We are here to help you feel your absolute best. Contact Andrea Schilling at Acupuncture Works in Williamsville at (716) 276-8866 today.